A downloadable project

This is a compilation of 145 printable monster cards, designed to be easy to print at home, cut, fold, and use in a card sleeve.

The illustrations are from  Gourdin Konbo Club's Illustrated Beasts, and the monster details were sourced from cairnrpg.com. I stayed true to the original descriptions on the website but split some text blocks to keep the card faces simple and easy to read.

The text, monster images, and card files are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 international (cc by-sa 4.0) license.

Deck Details:

  • Card Dimensions: Standard 2.5" x 3.5" playing card size.
  • Working File: cairn_monster_cards_v2_working-file.afpub is the Affinity Publisher file I used to create the PDF.
  • Data Source: cairn-monsters-index.json contains the source data for the monster descriptions. I built a web scraper to pull this data from the Cairn RPG website and used it to create a template for these cards.

Rated 2.7 out of 5 stars
(7 total ratings)
Tagscairn, into-the-odd


cairn-monsters-index.json 76 kB
cairn_monster_cards_v2-1_working-file.afpub 545 MB


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(1 edit)

i dont support AI art but these are nice. why not just find public domain art by humans?
you did do a nice job of making them all look similar in style though

(2 edits)

Its a good question. I built a little script using javascript, that automatically generated an image for each card using dall-e's api and dumped the image into a folder for me. Then I built a little work flow with Affinity Publisher, where I can use a template and a csv file of monsters and it will build the deck from the csv and the folder of images.

Ultimately, I did it with AI just as a matter of convenience. I also have a card game idea that I wanted to build using this workflow. This deck was pretty much a test bed to build and test the work flow. 

But public domain would be find.

oh ok cool stuff

(1 edit)

I have updated my cards now. They all have human made art and there is now a card for each monster listed on the site. 

oh that’s cool!